Felicitating 500 women engaged in cleaning and cleansing the city of Colombo and distribution of dry ration packs to all 500 participants with the assistance of Well wishes.
The wife of the Honorable Prime Minister madam Shiranthi Rajapaksha was the chief guest while the governor of the Western province Dr. Sita Arambepola former chief justice Mr.Mohan Piries, the commissioner of Colombo Municipal Council Roshini Dassanayeke, women Deputy Inspector generals of the police and many other invitees graced the occasion.
The women who work hard to keep the city clean and create an environment for us to lead a clean and healthy life sang a danced along with many renowned artist who voluntered to make it a memorable event and a joyful day for the hard working less privileged women.
Fusce urna augue, volutpat quis pharetra nec, fringilla a enim. Etiam dapibus accumsan libero vehicula vestibulum. Nunc justo augue, vehicula vel mauris id, blandit laoreet urna. Integer placerat euismod lorem vitae viverra. Sed cursus est justo, quis consequat est lacinia id. Praesent semper pulvinar sollicitudin.
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Morbi ultrices consequat viverra. Nullam leo felis, dignissim vitae blandit pharetra, volutpat ut leo. In iaculis lacus vel porta vestibulum. Pellentesque ac est iaculis, tincidunt sem nec, auctor lacus. Maecenas enim arcu, facilisis ut mauris vitae, efficitur consequat dui.